another day another blog post
Quotes of the week:
so glad we paid for the spot lights and that hummer limo..
hey you wanna play?(h), what are you guys doing?(j), ohh you'll see(h)
hey you think this is gunna pierce the wolf?
hey chris lemme shoot these arrows at you ... then pull them out
darkness you evil motherfucker, he's delerious, he's got delusions of grandure , fuck your couch darkness fuck your couch.
i think i should do a move(J) do a belly flop(a)... i think i'mma do a cannon ball(J)
man that name seems so easy(CS), you'd be surprised how many people mess that up(h)
(campus safety on the radio) hey do you think you can spell that out.
yea the "n" is silent(j)
man did you see those jackasses drop kicking people
yup those are my friends
drop kicks, it's all in the form
the (h) is hungry is hungry again
who refers to themselves in the third person