Tuesday, November 29, 2005


i'm sick...and thanksgiving was alright. i slept for a long time while i was home it was kinda nice minus the fact that it limited times with friends. but ehh i'll get over it .. but yea another day another crappy blog post

Monday, November 21, 2005

Quotes.. always out of context

i love posting these out of context just because i always like getting the what does this kid do on the weekends look or at least thats what i want you to think... keep those crazy looks if you'd like

youre not even the big bad wolf, youre just an asshole
(laughing) (histerical laughing) ... my ankle hurts
i'm the E bat the bat of the internet ah ah ah...
Chris CHRIS chris(in a whisper now) i know you're asleep but i love you, I LOVVEEE YOUUUU {j}
85% of the time what the alcohol tells me to do is good, This time it was bad BADDDD...
The alcohol tole me to do it, it said yea man you can jump into that dumpster even though theres not much trash in it
The trash man it was like do it and i was like yea you think so it was like yea
i am the floor ninja
you know what your moms a b****
Go back to canada{H} { i'm not even canadian} ohh right your irish i knew it was one of the ones i hated{h}

careful he'll get the ira on your ass{H} i'm part of the ira{m} Yea only a quarter{h}

i am the master cookie thief {h}

Monday, November 14, 2005

Mirror mirror

I've been looking into the mirror recently and wonder who it was that was staring back at me through the glass. Today at 5 am I realized exactly who it was and I wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. Throughout the last year of my life I have had no clue who was there looking at me, who would care so much as to see what I was doing and why does he always look so.. unhappy. Well here I am looking into that mirror and for once he doesn't seem so unhappy. Like something that will happen on this day will change that I feel anticipation as to what it could be.. In recent times i had lost who i was, what i was, i am no longer the person i was a year ago. Although i would like to be the person i wanted to be then and still want to be now. The person who could dream up almost anything as long as there was time to dream. A hero, hopeless romantic, a character in a story, every character i dream up only being an extension of what it was i wished i could be. why can't i be that person what force would stop me. the same force that bites at me even while i think of the words to complete this entry. Fear. "there is nothing to fear but fear itself" well fear itself can paralyse. For right now though i will through fear a right hook and tell him good day for i do not need him right now. What i realized when i looked into the mirror on this morning unlike any other morning is that without everything else that surrounds me on an average day i still like the person underneath. He still has potential, That man looking back at me still has a chance to do something if only he can muster up the courage to change what he is now and see who he is now. Well for this small moment in time i know who i am and for right now thats enough....

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

well post.post post

tonight was a good time went on a very long walk with some friends.
the woods were nice
watched akira what a good movie...

quotes of the week

"do you hear the water, water's nice"
"i'm not a god just a man"
"by agreeing to do this your accepting insanity ..."
"i had a demon bat friend but he was a good demon"
both laughing and crying while writhing in pain " everyone should experience this"
"i bet thats what it's like to turn into a hermit crab" "i mean it would prolly hurt alot"
most serious tone possible in a whisper" take the flashlight just take it"
"adam you look like an evil monkey"
"who thought it was a good idea to give me a taser"
"why didn't anyone try and stop me"
"so you pretty much just went on a long fucking walk"
"woah that wasn't so bad tase me again" "do you smell something burning?"
"lets see how far we can take our minds"

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


another day another blog post

Quotes of the week:
so glad we paid for the spot lights and that hummer limo..

hey you wanna play?(h), what are you guys doing?(j), ohh you'll see(h)

hey you think this is gunna pierce the wolf?

hey chris lemme shoot these arrows at you ... then pull them out

darkness you evil motherfucker, he's delerious, he's got delusions of grandure , fuck your couch darkness fuck your couch.

i think i should do a move(J) do a belly flop(a)... i think i'mma do a cannon ball(J)

man that name seems so easy(CS), you'd be surprised how many people mess that up(h)

(campus safety on the radio) hey do you think you can spell that out.

yea the "n" is silent(j)

man did you see those jackasses drop kicking people
yup those are my friends

drop kicks, it's all in the form

the (h) is hungry is hungry again
who refers to themselves in the third person