Tuesday, March 20, 2007

another class post

so yea this is another class post if i could remeber what we talked about that would be awesome but i believe it had something to do with learning theories and conditioning which i think is right cause i don't believe i have blogged about that yet.. i actually really like the learning theories it's interesting to try and understand how the mind works and how we learn to do things.
i think thats really all i got for now.. i'll come up with some more clever stuff later i think

but yea vacation was nice
i was able to see and hang out with people i haven't seen in years, i actually liked being home for once which is weird because i usually hate going home. something about that town just isn't right and i feel like somehow i don't belong there anymore.. i kinda wish i could explain it better but to whom i know not.. you don't really have to understand it i guess.. cause it's my deal


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

a post to correct the mistakes of the past

okay so this is what i am going to do right here right now.. go through pretty much everything that has been going on in an attempt to catch up and remain caught up.

week of february 9th
this week was about Horney some Jung and Fromm.. i particularly like horney i like the basic anxiety stuff the hyper competitiveness i think that interesting coming from a somewhat competitive backround. the need for neurotic trends which i think appys very well to people today.. at least the people i know and my personal favorite is Ideal vs Real self.. because personally my ideal self and my real self are not even in the same zip code. i mean personally the things that i want to accomplish and the things that i do not the same at all... and i find it interesting because as much as i want to be this person.. i am not.. i have this vision of who i want to be and who my parents want me to be and who everbody wants me to be.. but all i can be is me who i am at this point and after years upon years of pondering this i have come to accept that i live by a code of my own ethics and i am happy with them. granted i honestly think i was brainwashed as a child and i have been trying very hard to work out of this "shell" that i feel i was put in most of the ethics that i stand by were there before i was brainwashed at least thats what i believe.. sounds crazy?... you'd understand if you were me.

week of february 16th
Yea this week we talked about escaping from freedom and fromms theory on the escape mechanisms from freedom and the feelings of isolation and lonliness. well the escapes are authoritarianism? destructivenss and automaton conformity. all of which are interesting but i wonder where do non destructive non comformists go and if you fall into those catagories why would you ever want to be lead... don't they follow and don't they also not want to lead everyone.. i dunno i think about some strange things sometimes... but yea we had a test the other day so i'm going to leave this one At that..

week of february 23rd
Erik Erikson is in the game this week and this is the crisis of identity cause even didn't know who he was or where he came from and hey thats something that every college student can relate to.. he cam up with stages Intimacy vs isolation is one of my personal favorites but thats just because it's something i can directly relate to ... i got lots of stuff going on and i forgot how much better you feel after venting over blogger i should do this much more often i think..

ohh yea we did kernberg aswell object relations stuff figuring out whats you and whats everything else.. yea fun stuff

week of March 2nd
welcome to B F skinner and the behavior theory. skinner box reinforcement all that fun stuff you learned in intro to psych with a lil more information operant behavior yea this is more of the stuff i like cause it's interesting and it's less of a tax on my brain.

yea thats what i got so far that should catch me up any objections lemme know if not have a nice day

Peace Love.. sorry for the long post
Matt Bosh