Tuesday, July 31, 2007


and why politicians use lies to hide it and artists use lies to expose it.

My gripe is not with lovers of the truth but with truth herself. What succor, what consolation is there in truth, compared to a story? what goos is truth, At midnight, in the dark, when the wind is roaring like a bear in the chimney? what you need are the plump comforts of a story the soothing, rocking safty of a lie - Vida Winter

I know nothing of this person and i need not know anything of this person to know that a lie has powers that truth knows nothing about the truth is fact.. what really happened.. but with lies you need never know what really happened as long as some detail of truth be present the lie is powerful... truth and lies feed off each other support and deny each other. so what does this mean to me.. we'll i'll tell you .. because well your reading this.. it means that my entire life i have searched for truth.. but all i was really looking for was a lie a way to tell a story.. that is laced with truth.. seething with detail. and first and foremost a complete fabrication or the mind
i have wanted truth but found i was merely seeking lies

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

man i can't wait to go on vacation

yea i have worked all summer much like every other college student in the world and i have found myself so burnt out from this life i lead that a vaction is very much needed. i need to gtfo of this town like now.. heavily sedating myself just isn't working anymore and i find myself hating this place more and more by the day.. the people are cool but the place sucks.. work sucks.. doesn't matter what you really do though.. always the lowest paid person on the books.. or off them..just another fucking loser in a fucked town in central Ct that just wants to be free in a town in southern new hampshire once again.. honestly i have no idea what i will do once school is over.. the thought of which is just depressing.. honestly... i see no point in asking the same questions over and over again .. making the same mistakes and just wanting to get something new ... the search for truth ended once i realized there was none... a quest for the american dream was only a falsity that was ingrained within us in our youth.. if they told you how the world really was you would have killed yourself as a child... so much bad.. where is the good where did it all go... i need a vacation....

i miss my home..
i miss my friends...
i miss my wife....
and most of all i miss the other half of my soul.. cause i haven't felt complete since the 5th

Monday, July 09, 2007

Real Bored

so yea i'm at work just chillin with Z listenin to some KMK thinking i wish i could be on the dirty with the windows down and lol's up. this is the summer and we have managed to do a few things which were pretty cool. Nh .. new Boston chilled straight chiefed with morton and Jrome.. went to Keene to eat a sandwich and give a hug then drove back to miss fireworks and get wasted.. lol c block all night.. sorry Jrome but morton sas was pretty funny.. stopped in boston on the way down hit up the quincy market scene got some of the worlf famous pizza and watched "black guys dancing" now were just loading impys and ions and rolling like kings cause we're the only two with jobs. so what do i have to look forward to Incubus-aug 5th ish.. word Nh one more time
Maine which will be straight some open sea kayaking with my uncle seeing my cousin for the first time..just gotta hit up NYC and Keene and things will be complete. for now at least.. then i go home and things would be straight
so yea thats me mad bored with Z discussing our summer and what we do everyday.. any questions comments.. well you know the deal

Monday, July 02, 2007

Why i smoke mad weed