Tuesday, September 06, 2005


My weekend at a glance, i caught a bus at the station in keene headed for springfield, It's move in day for freshman at springfield college and my lil brother happens to be one. i arrive at the station ready for the fun of haulin a fridge up four floors and down the hall. a sliver saturn pulls up i cram myself into a small suv packed to the breaking point, i feared the doors would fall off we unloaded on campus and settled my brother in. then took the long trip back to the den. once back in the dirty den i proceeded to get my weekend into gear it was friday night in meriden.. how boring.
i picked up sean Z and we went on a ride saw a movie kinda eventful kinda not. then yea the rest of the weekend is just a blurr to much happened and i'm too tired to jot it all right now so yea until next time.


Blogger Lorianne said...

Hopefully you'll get brownie points from your family for helping your brother move!

10:37 AM  

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